Allan Gregory Auclair

Allan Gregory Auclair

PhD candidate in Economics

Geneva Graduate Institute, Department of International Economics

2024-25 Job Market


I am a PhD candidate in macroeconomics. I study the evolution of corporate profits. My research explains how market structure and firm heterogeneity are relevant to macroeconomic outcomes.


  • Corporate profits and factor income distribution
  • Market structure, pricing behavior, and business cycle fluctuations
  • Household saving behavior and interest rates
  • Corporate taxation
  • International investment and multinational firms


  • Ph.D. in Economics, 2024 (November)

    Geneva Graduate Institute

  • Swiss Program for Beginning Doctoral Students in Economics, 2021

    Study Center Gerzensee (Macro and Econometrics sequences)

  • Master's in Economics, 2020

    Geneva Graduate Institute

  • Master's in Public Affairs, 2013

    Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs

  • Bachelor of Arts, 2009

    Washington University in Saint Louis

Job Market Paper

Industry Concentration and Aggregate Price Dynamics

This paper develops a general equilibrium framework for aggregate price dynamics incorporating industry competition and forward-looking rational expectations. It accounts for differences in pricing power across firms and allows for size-dependent shocks. The model builds upon a set of established facts. Industry leaders are usually much larger than other firms and charge a higher markup. They focus on preserving market share and their pricing behavior differs. They limit the pass-through of idiosyncratic cost shocks, but are strategic and match price changes by rivals. Meanwhile, trailing firms are generally much smaller and set prices monopolistically. On this basis, the framework yields several key results. First, due to strategic complementarity in pricing, the implied cost pass-through for industry leaders after an aggregate shock is around 25 percent higher than for an idiosyncratic shock, which aligns with evidence from Gödl-Hanisch and Menkhoff (2023). Second, aggregate shocks have an uneven impact across firms. Industry leaders and trailing firms face different demand schedules and adjust prices accordingly. In general, small firms appear more sensitive to the business cycle. Finally, if a negative shock affects small firms more, industry leaders raise prices, resulting in `excess’ profits. In this case, the additional markup distortion amplifies the underlying shock by 25 percent.




Consultant (part-time)

UN Conference on Trade and Development
Division on Investment and Enterprise

Feb 2021 – Jun 2024 Geneva, Switzerland

Main roles:

  • Contributed to the analytical chapters in the 2021, 2022, and 2024 World Investment Reports
  • Research on the international taxation of multinationals and the reshoring of international production

Associate (part-time)

Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec
Growth Markets Team

Apr 2018 – Dec 2020 Washington, DC

Main roles:

  • Monitored investment risks for a portfolio in emerging market economies totaling $30 billion CAD
  • Supported forecasting long-term economic growth and research linking macroeconomic performance to market outcomes

Research Analyst

International Monetary Fund
Middle East and Central Asia Division

Mar 2014 – Mar 2018 Washington, DC

Main roles:

  • Macroeconomic data collection and statistical processing
  • Analytical contributions to staff reports on topics including taxation, structural reforms, returns to education, and female labor force participation


Migration Policy Institute
Migration and Development Program; Data Hub

Aug 2013 – Mar 2014 Washington, DC

Main roles:

  • Analysis of Census microdata to understand immigration trends and long-term integration outcomes
  • Extensive development of interactive web-based data tools to make immigration statistics more accessible to the public


EI057: Macroeconomics B

Teaching assistant: Spring 2023, 2024

EI056: Macroeconomics A

Teaching assistant: Fall 2022, 2023 ( Syllabus )

EI041: Impact Evaluation

Teaching assistant: Fall 2021 ( Syllabus )
